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Connecting a company with stories

Global reach

A global company was wanting to develop an internal website in order for everyone in the organisation, from offices and worksites all over the world, to share stories, pictures and videos.

The aim was to increase the sense of community both locally and globally, as people in more remote locations tended to feel more isolated and unaware of other projects and initiatives of the company.

Researching user types

A breakdown of the different persona’s was a large part of the research process as the target audience would span globally from office workers in large cities to workers in remote work-site locations.

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We had a small team for this project, this way we could move quickly and be able to research and iterate at all stages of the project. Our biggest constraint was prioritizing for performance, as a large portion of the user base would be in locations where the internet speed wouldn’t be as fast or accessible. This was a large factor at every stage as every decision needed to meet this tech limitation we faced, as well as sourcing those users to help us test prototypes to give us a much better understanding of which way to go.

Being involved in the process end to end, I was able to engage the stakeholders and users at every step allowing any discoveries to be acted on and implemented straight away.

The biggest hurdle we faced was close to deployment we realised the mobile view for the modal wasn’t working through testing. I was able to quickly prototype a change in the staging environment which allowed us to quickly implement and test any changes without slowing down the timeline by having to go back to stage one.

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Continued user testing

Deploying MVP wasn’t the final step in the process. Implementing event tracking throughout the build, we were able to track any initial impressions though user testing analytics.

The following months after launch we were able to track usage and make any small changes quickly to see how the improvements went, A/B testing different variants to increase user engagement. 6 months after launch we ended up with a viable product that both users and stakeholders were happy with which still have an active engagement.

(Screenshots blurred for story anonymity)